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50 YEARS OF RESEARCH: Internal Science & International Philosophy Books: William Eastwood Modern Alchemist Secret Wisdom Books
Proven methods to create money and manifest success
— a culmination of 50 years of research and application
William Eastwood only recently published 25 books in 5 years because his earlier work was interrupted by the government, and his books confiscated. Now: The movie that will unveil the mystery of this powerful modern alchemist’s secrets and true story.
Books by William Eastwood
Click on any image below for more information on our Internal Science and International Philosophy Books containing the secret wisdom and success formula of William Eastwood, modern alchemist.
Internal Science and International Philosophy Books containing the secret wisdom and success formula of William Eastwood, modern alchemist, can be used to achieve any goal, not just to create money. But you probably want money because money can help you to achieve whatever other goals you have.
EARTH NETWORK books are based on over 50 years of research and application of the principle that you create your own reality according to your beliefs thoughts and emotions.
Our founder William Eastwood says, “I owned three large historic homes on the coast of Maine in 1985, at age 22, because this philosophy WORKS LIKE MAGIC!”
Internal Science and International Philosophy Books containing the secret wisdom and success formula of William Eastwood, modern alchemist, can be used to achieve any goal no matter what it is. Every book is loaded with tips, secrets and insights that will help you to manifest your goals and dreams. Nothing is a higher priority than your own self and life. The path to your dreams is right here.
You can use your thoughts to create money and success with these books, ebooks and one very exceptional audio book. At age 12 I first applied the principles in these books and ebooks and proved beyond a doubt that your thoughts can create money and success. I then spent 50 years researching and applying these principles. The books below are the culmination of over 50 years of study and work.
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
― Albert Einstein
A guide out of the illusion.
There is a journey we must all take.
If we are going to create what we want in life and if we are going to survive as a global community, we must be willing to understand how we create our reality. This involves looking at the implications of what Einstein and a group of leading physicists discovered about reality that the media did not properly report to the world for a number of reasons.
50 years of research goes into every book
Einstein’s colleague and a group of leading physicists made a discovery that was never properly conveyed to the public. It was too profound to be accepted in the mainstream and threatened the elite. As a result, we were not made aware of this discovery and the inevitable implications it had for civilization itself.
“The discovery offers a solution to our current political and global problems. It has the potential to be a new unifying principle for civilization. The new science can also be applied in your own life. The news affects you because it redefines who you are and reveals how you can actually create anything you want right now.
“News of this discovery was blocked by media and the scientific establishment because it threatened power holders in big universities and clashed with the status quo. Specifically, it takes power away from those who hold it over others and invests the common man with power and control over his destiny.”
— William Eastwood
THE HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE – Journey Out of the Illusion, explains the journey out of the illusion we must all take. This book contains the Internal Science and International Philosophy Books containing the secret wisdom and success formula of William Eastwood, modern alchemist.
Earth Network: Founder William Eastwood
50 years of research goes into every book
The books that give you a proven method to achieve success
The purpose of each of my books is to provide you with all you need to know to be successful in all areas—in intellectual and spiritual knowledge, business, finance, health, love and relationships.
The books
The purpose of each of my books is to provide you with all you need to know to be successful in all areas—in intellectual and spiritual knowledge, business, finance, health, love and relationships.
You can improve your life
No matter what is happening in your life or how bad or irreversible circumstances seem to be, whatever it is you want, it can be done.
The most beautiful experiences in your life have happened because you created them. Your thoughts can and do create matter despite what anyone tries to tell you to the contrary.
If you are not satisfied with where you are and are upset, the negativity will manifest greater difficulty. If, however, you are doing something about your situation you will feel positive and optimistic. When you are learning, you have a reason to expect better in life. Those positive emotions and expectations you generate from reading any one of my books will manifest. The positive energy also provides motivation to change your life for the better, gives you ideas and starts a positive spiral like a trampoline to success and great satisfaction in life.
Tips and helpful hints to insure your success
Exclusive published book content
Our civilization has in the past thought that matter forms ideas, but it is just the opposite. Ultimately, everyone will discover that the events they experience are holographic projections; manifestations of “past” thoughts.
We create our own reality. If you study this material long enough, it is inevitable that you will finally come to this conclusion.
The more open you are to the idea, the more the evidence begins to present itself. Eventually many people experience a shift which feels like they are awakening in a dream that they are creating with their own thoughts and emotions. Once this happens you realize the true power you have to shape events.
After realizing that your thoughts create your reality it is just a matter of learning to focus your thoughts properly. Beliefs must improve, attitudes and expectations must improve, and positive emotions need to be fixed primarily on the sense of acquiring and having what is wanted rather than lack and frustration.
By purchasing through (above) you get these books DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURER and cut out the middle man!—most reliable source—fastest delivery—lowest price. These books contain Internal Science and International Philosophy. All books contain the secret wisdom and success formula of William Eastwood, modern alchemist.
What is stopping me and preventing my success?
We are born with high expectations toward all experiences we may encounter. We also have a built-in trust of ourselves, others and reality. As young children we tend to love, trust and have curiosity. These positive spiritual traits ensure that events move in a positive direction and we develop in positive and constructive ways.
Everything works as a result and as it should. Life is good. Life is magical and exciting. We automatically create positive events because we have an inbuilt intuitive understanding of the metaphysical creation process and are naturally positively inclined. This is true for everyone.
As we think positive thoughts, positive things happen. We set out to create our spirit’s goals and to manifest the all the exciting dreams that are forming in our our new minds, and we start to do that. We get off to a good start. But then something happens.
Most of us are derailed. We lose our ability to create what we want with our thoughts. We may become fearful or focused on what we do not want. We may lose touch with our inner intuitive knowing. The magic seems lost and often things spiral downhill.
Most people sense that they lost something, but they do not know exactly what it is that they lost. We are told that we simply grew up. The official beliefs of the adult world attribute maturity to dispensing with the unrealistic fantasies and expectations of childhood.
The truth is that the vast majority of us did lose something we were not supposed to lose. As we matured into adults, we may have lost our positive demeanor as our beliefs changed, and in consequence our ability to create beneficial events. Inner typically people lose the magic of childhood and a sense of mastery over the creative process of forming events.
Why does this happen? Why must we lose so much? What exactly caused this loss and what is this loss?
To lay a foundation for understanding how invisible barriers success operate, click below. The events you experience in life are an ongoing projection.
Internal Science and International Philosophy Books containing the secret wisdom and success formula of William Eastwood, modern alchemist, can be used to achieve any goal or dream.
The above content was taken from “You Are a Beautiful Person — The Key to Freedom.” This book contains Internal Science and International Philosophy. All books contain the secret wisdom and success formula of William Eastwood, modern alchemist. The internal barriers that hold us back are an issue that is addressed in all my books.
The invisible myths that deprive us of what we want in life are explored in depth in “The Solution to All of Humanity’s Problems & The Secret to Creating the Life You Want.” This book contains Internal Science and International Philosophy. All books contain the secret wisdom and success formula of William Eastwood, modern alchemist.
If you do not have the money to buy those books, “You Are a Beautiful Person — The First Key to Freedom” is the least expensive option with the same basic message and information. This book contains Internal Science and International Philosophy. All books contain the secret wisdom and success formula of William Eastwood, modern alchemist.
Can thoughts really create matter?
Can thoughts create matter and is it possible that everything we have been taught is a mistake — is false? As profound of a question as it is, many people and even scientists are now considering the idea.
Find out for yourself if thoughts create matter. Look at the science.
Both thoughts and matter are electromagnetic energy.
After I tested the principle that thoughts create matter and experienced amazing success at a very young age, I had to pursue to a much more significant goal. I set out to change the world in very important ways. Part of that initiative involves the books that are for sale here. If you apply the principles in these books in the same way I did, you can create money and manifest success with your thoughts.
You can alter and redirect your life at any time. By thinking positive thoughts and speaking positive words you attract positive energy. Determined imagination and the application of specific principles will allow you to create everything you desire.
Your thoughts have tremendous power. You can create a trampoline of achievement, and anything you want in life you can have.
Internal Science and International Philosophy Books containing the secret wisdom and success formula of William Eastwood, modern alchemist, are full of secret principles and the secrets gained over years of study.
You will learn how to think only of what you desire and expect only what you desire. You will do this even if the opposite seems to be coming into your life. You will always have definite results in mind at all times.
Your fate will change if you use these books to create money and your dreams in the way they are intended to be used. All things will soon change. Resolve to prove your strength build a greater future than you have imagined in your greatest visions and dreams. Create money and success with these books in you will never look back. Once you see what life can be at its best there is no turning back. I recommend “The Solution…” for new readers. This book contains Internal Science and International Philosophy. All books contain the secret wisdom and success formula of William Eastwood, modern alchemist.
If you rise superior to the world then you will create a superior life and a new pattern of success. You will have all the money you ever needed in your life. There will be no limitations and your achievements will speak for themselves
At any time, matter can be completely changed by the activation of conscious thought. Your environment is a product of your thoughts and feelings. By projecting the specific thoughts and feelings that embody your desires you can immediately being a process of change. You are in control of your experience.
I agree with David Bohm that a single individual can transform the world. If one person on earth is amazing, so is every single person on the face of the earth. Understanding on the part of many, therefore, can change the world as we know it.
“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”
― Albert Einstein
An iconoclast who helps people achieve their dreams
"The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.”
— Albert Einstein.
25 Books by William Eastwood